Monday, April 12, 2010

Male pattern baldness

Millions of men lose hair everyday. Normally, a hair lasts for about 5 years, after which it is replaced with new hair. However, with male pattern hair loss, hair is not replaced with new ones. Men experience hair loss at all ages. There are numerous reasons why men start losing hair. If you are between the age of 25 to 45 years and you are losing hair, the chances that you are suffering from male pattern hair loss are 95%. Male pattern hair baldness follows a typical pattern. You can start losing hair in different areas, but it usually starts around the crown of your head. Your hair starts thinning and over a period of years, you may become totally bald. If you lose hair suddenly, you should visit a doctor and take expert advice. Hair loss can occur due to many reasons, and it can be treated successfully. Almost 50% of the men experience hair loss at some point in their life.

Cause of male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness depends mainly on hormones and genetics. Testosterone, a hormone present in males after puberty is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. Several tissues in the body, including the scalp tissues have DHT, which affects the hair follicle adversely. It slows down hair production, and produces weak and shorter hair. Gradually, this process depletes your hair totally. Hair loss can have a significant psychological impact, depending on the seriousness. Men who experience baldness suffer from low self-esteem and reduced confidence.


Propecia is a medication available on the market, which prevents the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. It is an effective treatment of hair loss on the mid-scalp area. Propecia helps in treating male pattern baldness. You can order Propecia online on prescription, whenever you need it. It has been approved by FDA for the treatment of hair loss. Clinical studies have proven that it is effective in more than 90% of the cases. The main cause of hair loss, DHT is tackled, if you order Propecia. In case of excessive hair loss, consult your doctor before taking any medication.

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